Advertising strategies change with the change in stages of a product life. i.e. PLC This article focuses on changes in way of advertising when PLC stages changes.
Here decisions are with regard to high involvement items where emotional approach is involved. People therefore follow a Feel – Learn – Do pattern in case of purchase.
High level of decision is required to be made as decision is with regard to purchase of high value items like house, cars, etc.Thus in this case, people generally follow…
“FCB grid,” is suggested by Dave Berger and Richard Vaughn. This model combines high and low involvement, and left and right brain specialization. It shows a visually coherent matrix which…
Sales orientation those who see sales as the only valid measure of effectiveness level this criticism. The sole purpose of advertising is to generate sales. So as the completion of…
Russell Colley (1961) developed a model for setting advertising objectives and measuring the results. This model was entitled ‘Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results- DAGMAR.’
AIDA model was presented by Elmo Lewis to explain how personal selling works. It shows a set of stair-step stages which describe the process leading a potential customer to purchase.…
Among advertising theories, the hierarchy-of-effects model is predominant. It shows clear steps of how advertising works.Hierarchy of effects Model can be explained with the help of a pyramid. First the…